Thursday, December 5, 2013

Um....Yeah....WOW!  I think I'm seeing the momentum!  What do you think!? 

706 new Presenters in November alone!  As of right now, 12/5/13, we are at 1460 Presenters!  Amazing growth in November and so far, December is on track for DOUBLE! 

In November we had some VERY exciting things happen!  One of the most exciting was having my Sponsor, Nichole Smith (Presenter #36) be the second Presenter to reach BLACK STATUS with Younique!  But the VERY MOST EXCITING was having my girls Briana and Amy both hit BLACK AS WELL!  Since they hit in November, they each received a $10k bonus check PLUS a $1k FPP bonus!  AWESOME! Check out the first 6 Presenters that hit BLACK status by Clicking here

I made $9477 in November!  I'm not even in the top 5 earners this month!  It has been so inspiring to see the money that these women are making with YOUNIQUE and their NWM business.  GIRL POWER!  I was so hoping that I would also be one of the first 10 to hit BLACK.  I WILL get there one day.  ZERO question about that.  I am working hard to get there before the Race to 10k Presenters is over!  You must be one of the first 10 to qualify BEFORE we hit 10k Presenters in order to receive the $10 bonus check!  I predict we will hit 10k Presenters by early January.

There are lots of fun things happening that are connected to our RACE to 10K PRESENTERS!  My girls Shari and Whitney won iPad Mini's!  check them out! 

I would LOVE to build my team DEEP and WIDE so if you know anyone that is looking for a growth opportunity, I would LOVE your referrals! 

Check out how YOUNIQUE is ranking by clicking here!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

I've always been open about my time management issues!  Somedays I feel like I am improving and then other days I feel like it is NEVER going to get better.  This is by far my sigle biggest issue that I struggle with.  Admittedly, my issues are self imposed for the most part. I am constantly striving to improve.  Since Younique is so new, they do not have a model developed yet that makes YOUNIQUE easily duplicable.  There is no training or single place you can go for info so we are CONSTANLTY training, answering the same Qs over and over.  It is exhausting.

As I'm blissfully drowning in my own success and treading water daily to keep up with the beautiful explosion of our business, I know for a fact I am not the only one! My amazing Sponsor Nichole and I often use each other as a sounding board in search of sanity when we have totally lost it and want to SCREAM when we see Presenters asking the very basic Qs over and over and over.  Trying to teach our DL to be great leaders is key.  We know this and we are trying!  Even when we do create documents/tools and put them in place, it seems that very few people take the time to educate themselves.  They search for the path of least resistance and that is usually us and we MUST CHANGE THIS MENTALITY!

Melanie posted some brilliant advice that I hope will ring as true with other NWM Presenters as it did with me.  I think if I can adapt this train of thought, quit trying to be all things to everyone, my life may get easier!

"As leaders, you’re NOT a ‘counselor’, but rather a ‘COACH.’ Stop and think about the difference between these two words. A coach works with those who are willing and show promise, and they don’t put up with crap or put up with whining and complaining. They are usually highly respected with firm expectations. They also set boundaries. I certainly can’t and don’t want to be a ‘counselor’ to 5000 women – that isn’t productive to the company. So my advice is to first realize -- You can’t “fix” their problems, nor should you try, but you can however, “coach” them by leading, which includes training the masses like Derek mentioned. You’ve all heard the phrase: “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” If someone isn’t willing to learn how to fish, spend your time with others who are." ~Melanie Huscroft Co-Founder of Younique

Awesome problems! Join Younique today!

Monday, November 25, 2013

OH-M-YOUNIQUE!  What a day we had!

So today was INSANE for my team and for me personally!  I have added 4 Presenters to my first generation in the last 24 hours.  The 100 No's Challenge is really doing AMAZING things for my team.  So many people are using the tool to grow their teams and the numbers are showing!

Lots of my lovelies struggle with stepping outside their comfort zone to talk with people about YOUNIQUE.  So I made THIS VIDEO in hopes that it would encourage them!  ENJOY! 


When October closed we had 616 Presenters.  As of THIS MOMENT we are up to 1213!  CRAZY RIGHT?  We are also at approx $280k in wholesale sales!  On track to make $300k this month for the company!  WOWZA!

Total Younique Presenters: 4,977 (1,667 in November). Almost halfway to our Race to 10K Presenters. November new Presenters will be over 2,000 by the time the month is over. That’s exponential growth if I've ever seen it! The waves are coming and those of you in the water already better get ready to ride!

November Sales are booming! I mean, seriously booming. We are already over 1.4 million in sales this month and November will be 100% growth in a single month. That’s right, I fully expect us to double what we did in October at the pace we are on right now. That just doesn’t happen very often in business but you’re doing it!

Today we announced our first ever Presenter to hit BLACK STATUS and that is Debi Jackson!  I had the pleasure of meeting Debi in person at Convention last year and we have a friendly little rivalry going.  Well I'M FRIENDLY... SHE IS JUST MEAN!  JK!  She is awesome!  We snapped photos of us stabbing each other with knives and forks so it has sorta carried on.  Im excited for her!  Debi qualified to receive a $10k bonus this month because she was one of the first 10 Presenters to reach Black before we have 10k Presenters!  AMAZING!  So, congrats to my fellow Ysister Debi!  LIVING THE BEACH MONEY DREAM!!

If you would like info about YOUNIQUE Products, the company or the opportunity, CLICK HERE

Saturday, November 23, 2013

It's growing and it's growing in cement......
Sometimes its the little things that make a BIG difference.....
I just want to share because it just happened again.  Now that my downline is getting so large and so spread out (up to 1148 Presenters now), about once a week or so I receive an email or PM from someone deep in my DL from someone I don't even know. 
There seems to be a similar underlying tone to these messages.  It is that "Younique is making a difference".
Ive shared my feelings about these notes I receive, with my husband and my close friends.  The first time someone reached out with their comments, I thought it was thoughtful and sweet.  I was happy things were working for them.  Now that it is happening all the time, I am placing a different value on the messages and I'm seeing what a huge impact Younique is having in the lives of these families.
At Younique, we are paid every single day for any royalties earned that day.  So, there is no waiting for a check to come after a party closes or payday every two weeks etc.  Money is directly deposited into our PayQuicker accounts and we have instant access with our Younique debit cards.  Obviously this is great right?  Who doesn't like a little cash in their pocket everyday? 
Although most Direct Sales companies collect money from their customers instantly, they will often hold onto that money until a party closes before they pay their Consultants.  Or even WORSE, some companies hold it for an entire MONTH or longer.  Why would they do that do you suppose?  If you have a financial background, you can imagine why they may choose to operate this way.  Leveraging their finances before paying their people.  It is a common occurance at every level of Corporate America.  Using their Consultants earnings and customer payments for additional gains.
At Younique, you are instantly paid for the work you've done.  What I am learning, is that this little perk that Younique offers, is being perceived as a life saver for many people that are struggling financially right now. 
The messages I am receiving are touching, inspiring and they are having an impact on me personally.  They have highlighted a value added feature of this amazing company that I think is often over looked or taken for granted and it goes hand in hand with how I feel this company operates from a place of positive ethics. 
This offering by our company has literally meant gas money, food money, milk money or diapers for many women on my team.  It has meant the difference of someone being able to pay rent or in one recent testimony, being paid that evening has meant she had money for formula the next day for her baby.  If she needs money, she does her job, works hard, sells, and is fairly and immediately compensated for her efforts.  Younique is helping many families 'get by' right now while things are difficult. 
Make no mistake, treat YOUNIQUE like a hobby and you will earn like it's a hobby.  Treat it like a business/job, you will earn a fair wage.  Eventually, you will earn a wage that is BEYOND "fair".  I earned $5k in October.  I feel that is more than fair for the effort I put into my business last month.
There is no doubt that Network Marketing is providing an opportunity for people who are looking for a way to earn money but cannot, or chose not to enter the traditional work force.  There is no doubt that if you made a list of potential NWM Companies to join, did a pros and cons of each, that Younique would come out a clear winner.
Every day my commitment to, and appreciation for YOUNIQUE and my respect for the FOUNDERS is growing brighter, greener and richer. 
It's growing and its growing in cement.

If you know someone who might benefit from this compensation model.  I would love to speak with them.  Please reach out by clicking here.  I would love for you to share my blog with them as well.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

WHOA NELLY!  455 new Presenters in 20 days!  Over $200k in Company Wholesales!  WHAT THE WHAT!?  Yep!  That just happened!  My team is at 1071 Presenters as of this moment.  That is MOMENTUM BABY!

Can I just share how much I LOVE YOUNIQUE right now?  For example, I am working my biz from 30,000 feet in the air via Alaska Airlines and their GOGO wifi.  Since Younique is internet based, I don't need to be on the ground and doing parties people!  I can do them from ANYWHERE!  I.N L.O.V.E!

On my flight from LV to PDX I worked on our new product training manual and our New Presenter Guide.  Im hopeful that they will be completed this week so I can get this awesome tool in the hands of my awesome Presenters!

It was a busy day for our group.  Lots of action today!

This was a little video clip I sent to my DL.  We are working on the 100 No's Challenge.  Using that thought process to build out teams!  Its been such a great tool.  I started a group on FB about it and MANY seem to be getting something out of it so Im super excited about that!

I don't know how you could possibly watch that video clip and not want to join my team!  Click here to see whats going on at YOUNIQUE!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Today my Company hit 1000!
Yeah, to say I'm FREAKING out would be an understatement!  Earlier today my Company Downline hit 1,000! 
As of this very moment we are actually at 1,009! 
That means the AMAZING women and men on my team have added 393 new Presenters to my Company in just 18 days!  I can't even begin to tell you how huge that is for me personally.  It was a personal goal of mine (that I HOPED to hit in January of 2014) and Im just so FREAKIN' EXCITED! 
So what is the second thing I did? You know the FIRST thing I did was post it all over FB!  The SECOND thing I did was call my Mommy!  She is so supportive!  The best mom EVER!  Shows up at my events and it doesn't matter if Im 4 or 44!  She is there!  My own personal cheering section!  Hey?  Have you met my momma?  Here she is!  Her name is Patti.

ALSO!  We are on track to sell $200k in Company WHOLESALES in November!  This is HUGE!  My people are AMAZING!
During my flight to LV yesterday, I had a long layover in Seattle, so I set up a meeting with some of the YPresenters in my DL that live in the area (CHA-CHING Tax deduction! whoop whoop). 
And you KNOW this girl loves a THEME!  So, UGLY TEDDY BEAR SWEATER it was! 
Theme was chosen and this weekend I was OFF to find the most hideously awesome teddy bear sweatshirt or sweater I could! 
'Nobody puts Baby in a corner!'
 I'm sure you are wondering how that went?  NOTHING!  NO WHERE!  NOT A SINGLE THING!  UGH!  I was freaking out!  How could I show up to my own event out of character!?  Why would I want to?  It was a travesty!  The local thrift stores in Anchorage really let me down this week!  I should have called my sister and brought in the BIG GUNS!  She is the SCORE-DORABLE Queen of the world!
So, I improvised!  Now, if you've read any of my past blogs, you KNOW I have a stock of mumu's.  I had some safety pins and of course I had a box of ORIGINAL Beanie Babies in the closet (WHAT!?  They are totally gonna make me rich someday! pft! Whatever!  Good thing I have Younique for that!) so the teddy bear mumu plan was hatched! I MacGyvered something FANTASTIC!
This is me taking a selfie in the mirror in the women's bathroom at SEATAC yesterday.... I strutted my cookies through the Seattle airport in this get up!  WITH PRIDE EVEN!  Challanging lookers on to question me and open the door to a YOUNIQUE smackdown! 
I'm looking back and shaking my head at  my own self right now! 
How and why do I come up with this stuff?
Oh that's right... CAUSE ITS AWESOME! 
If there ever comes a day I say "I'm not in the mood for a costume... or a theme"  Then Y'all better grab your coats cause HELL IS ABOUT TO BE FREEZIN' OVER!
 I'm committed.
Or I need to an institution. 
I'm pretty sure I smelled like pee. No clue why! I wash and wear this mumu often (yes! OFTEN) so I know it was clean.  Do you just sorta automatically smell like pee when you wear one?  I was just so confused about where the pee smell was coming from! The mumu was VERY hot (as in sweating not as in "LOOKIN' HOT"), the pee smell kept getting worse..... I only lasted about an hour and had to take it off. 
Oh yeah and of course I chose a table under the big screen and it was Football Sunday!  Even if no one was staring, it sure felt like they were!
I crack myself up!
Now to end today's BLOG POST with a FUNNY!  I'm seriously STILL LAUGHING about this.  You kinda had to be there I guess but imagine if you will......



So, on my flight from SEA to LAS VEGAS (whoot whoot) yesterday, this guy was in the seat next to me.  My seat mate!   I was fascinated by him the entire flight. 
To clarify....YES, that is a sleep mask!  And, YES, those are legit COKE BOTTLE GLASSES!  And, YES, that is him "reading" his Kindle!  WHAT THE WHAT?! 
Crazy right? 
AND!  That "smirk" on his face?  Um... yeah... that was PERMANENTLY there the entire flight!  I think it was some kind of "condition".  I could not for the life of me figure it out!  Side note... he LITERALLY checked his watch every 3 minutes.  I TIMED HIM!  Like 3 minutes ON THE DOT!  Oh, and did I mention he was totally deaf?  So the Flight Attendant would lean over me and SCREAM at him so he could hear her offerings!  At first I was like "SERIOUSLY DUDE"?  But by the end of the flight I was all like "BLESS HIS LITTLE HEART".  Cracked me UP!  I was all worried about how I was going to sneak a photo of him but CLEARLY that wasn't going to be an issue. 

Needless to say I did NOT share my Younique business and gift opportunity with the kind Gent.  I wasn't in the mood to yell and whatnot.  Hope I didn't miss some amazing boat with that judgement call!
I can't stop thinking about how crazy this dude was and how he was making NO SENSE to me what so ever!  As I giggle about it now and think to myself "what a wacko".... I'm reminded that I just got done typing about how I was wearing a mumu, covered in bears and smelling like pee only moments before I sat down next to this guy... who's the crazy one now?
My poor children.....

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

I'M WIGGIN' OUT!  ROCKTOBER numbers are in and yeah....they totally ROCK!

Proud to say I was in the top 5 earners of Younique for the month of October.

Ive been KILLING myself trying to get my updated growth chart to load but I'm clearly not smart enough.  I will work on that another day!

But here is a snazzy tid bit.  We closed the month of September with 264 Presenters.  We eded October with 616!  As of right this minute.... we have 728!  My team has added 112 Presenters in 5 days!

So, this blog entry didn't end up being all I thought it would be.  I promist to do better once I figure out the chart issue I am having!

In the meantime, for your viewing pleasure... some clips from our team meeting last night.  It was a wig theme!  Cause you KNOW I love a theme! 
Love AMANDA!  She is my dear friend and was the very first person to join my crazy train!  Forever thankful to her for her support and brilliance!

A few of my crazy gals.  Mostly from Amanda's Company!

Giving away goodies!

Christie is under the same upline as I am (Nichole) but on a different team.  We are friends though and friends support friends in this biz!  It was Christies VP that got me hooked on YOUNIQUE!

The elusive purple bling pen!  Those crazy little trinkets are worth their weight in GOLD!  Everyone wants one!

Briana was with us in spirit and sent this text of her "mullet wig" awesome-ness!  She lives in Texas!  So sweet of her right?  I might have nightmares but still!  Thought that counts!
Click here for more information about YOUNIQUE PRODUCTS or to JOIN MY TEAM

Sunday, November 3, 2013

~ This morning I had what I thought was a brilliant idea.....

If you've never done a show or home party, (or even if you have and you just want to grow) I would encourage you to apprentice with someone you know that is awesome and SUCCESSFUL and that has a similar style/personality as your own.

Obviously it would seem to be ideal to do this with Someone from your upline or downline.  However, if that isn't available, try working with a Rep from another DS company. I mean, why not right?!  Be a helpful and engaging fly on the wall, offer your support and services for free in exchange for picking their brain and using their ideas and adapting them to fit your vision of your biz! 

Pay careful attention to what seems to work for them and pay even MORE ATTENTION to what Doesn't seem to be working!  Make note of what you would improve/change or do different. You would be donating several hours of your time but the payback would be well worth it! There is a reason that corporate America values this type of teacher/student experience.  Its not just to get free labor out of someone!

 In fact, I don't see how this could be a bad thing for any of us!  It would be difficult for you to convince me that this type of activity would be a waste of time no matter how good you think you are or how huge your DS business already is.

 I've done hundreds of shows/events over the years but what is running through my mind right now is that I should choose a successful person from another DS company that isn't a competitive product and apprentice for them. This would mean I would have 4-6 hours of quality time with someone who is already successful and who knows, maybe I could recruit them right?  Worst case scenerio I would be learning from someone who is clearly awesome.  Best case, that clearly awesome person would think I was awesome and that the YOUNIQUE opportunity is also awesome and they would join my team!  There are several people on my team right now that were already doing well with their current Network Market biz and are a huge asset to my team.  They already have relationships established and an instant customer base. 

NEVER STOP LEARNING, ABSORBING, GROWING! your ideas aren't the only good ones right?

If you would like more info about Younique and our race to 10k Presenters, CLICK HERE

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

I'm SCARED!? The last 2 days of the month are typically the biggest at Younique by Haley! I can't even fathom what my team will accomplish by The 31st, as they push to meet their goals!

Stay tuned for an updated growth chart next week! Those of you that are following, remember my team closed Sept with 264 Presenters and $82+K in Company wholesales. As of this moment, I have 572 and $124+k! So many Promotions within my DL!

Also, apparently I am giving one of our Founders, Derek, nightmares!  He posted this note in our leadership group on Facebook this morning- 

"I had the craziest dream last night. I dreamt that I was getting my lazy bum back in the gym and working out hard. I was flat on the bench doing press and suddenly I needed a spot. I looked over and there was Haley coming over to spot me. In my dream it wasn't odd that she happened to be in American Fork at the same gym. But instead of helping me lift the bar she leaned over me and put her forehead flat against mine and started screaming motivational words at me. It actually motivated me and I completed the rep. Then she took me out to the parking lot to show me how big her truck was and how strong her husband is. I was confused but she said this would motivate me to do even greater things. Then I woke up. It was 3:25 AM. I guess it worked because I stayed up and got a whole bunch of things done."

Hmmmm.......  good thing or bad thing?  LOL

If you would like info about joining Younique, I would LOVE the opportunity to SHARE THIS OPPORTUNITY WITH YOU!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Major milestones being hit tonight with YOUNIQUE!

If you've read some of my other posts, you know that I am having huge issues with time management.  Although I do believe I am improving... I struggle with balancing the constant need to be available and connected with keeping my sanity! 

I saw this great post from NETWORK MARKETING PRO on FB tonight-

"One of the worst things that can happen to a person in Network Marketing is to have a super helpful upline.

Does that surprise you? It's true. Just ask any of your successful friends.

When you have a super helpful upline, they motivate you, they make calls for you, they do endless meetings for you, they train you...r people for you. All YOU have to do is bring prospects to them and they will do the rest. Ahhh that sounds so nice.

But what happens when you don't have all that upline support? You have to be self motivated, you make the necessary calls, you do endless meetings, you do the work and YOU become a leader.

Why do I tell people to say goodbye to their upline? Because an upline can hold you back in the development of your true potential.

Now, does that mean you shouldn't be helpful to your downline? No, BUT you should always be aware that your job is to help people in your group become independent from you as quickly as possible. That motivation should drive your every move.

Help them by pushing people to become independent. Help them by not encouraging weakness. Help them by leading by example.

That's the nicest thing you could possibly do"
Today my upline, Nichole hit the 1,000 mark for people in her downline.  11/1/13 is her 1 year anniversary with YOUNIQUE!  I am currently sitting at 499 and won't be able to sleep tonight until we hit 500!  So... we are learning the best way to balance and manage it all!
I am SO THANKFUL that I have strong leaders on my team.  Sue Ann has several amazing leaders under her and is managing a team of over 100 right now.  Briana is amazing and never did need little 'ole me much and is managing a team of well over 200 at this point!  Briana is a top recruiter in the entire company and she is MINE!  ALL MINE!!  Im so lucky!!
You might want to jump on board this CRAZY TRAIN while we are still at the infant stages!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Just a thought about mass recruiting campains-

I was talking with someone today who was sharing some frustrations she was having with some people in her downline (with a different MLM company... not YOUNIQUE). 

Mostly personality and personal choice (lifestyle) conflicts.  People on her team that aren't representing the brand or her team like she feels they should etc..

It made me think.... well no wonder!  You never speak to the people you sign up!  Her method (and many of others these days) is mass recruiting campaigns on FB and other social media sources.

You throw out posts in every group you possibly can and offer the opportunity to the masses.  No questions asked.  Anyone with $99 and a computer can join.  HELLO!  DUH! SHOCKER!

Its possible that in this day and age and with the economy being what it is, a Network Marketing biz may be the only thing some people are able to do.  Criminals with histories that keep them from getting a "mainstream" job, people with medical, social and emotional issues etc are certainly out there and in need/looking for a way to earn money.  Of course I have zero scientific evidence of what % MLM biz Consultants fall into these categories.  I certainly also do not want to imply that anyone with a criminal record or medical issue is a horrible person.  So....NO HATE MAIL NEEDED. 

It stands to reason that when this is your primary method of team building... you're gonna get what you get.  If you never even have a phone conversation with a person, you cannot confirm that they may even be someone you would choose to work with!  In fact, you've just dramatically increased the odds that you are recruiting people you would not otherwise choose to spend your time with. You're hiring without an interview!  Who does that!?  

Think about it.... If I owned a company and needed to hire 20 people to fill positions, I think we would all agree that it wouldn't be the smartest biz move for me to walk outside and hire the first 20 people I bumped into.  Right?  NO!  You recruit.  You interview.  You've vetted (sp) them.  You have a second interview.  You make sure they are a good fit for you and your vision for your business.  Then you have someone else in your company interview them! You make sure their skill set and personality is in line with what you think is good for your company!  Seems OBVIOUS right?  So why, in this social media age of MLM business do we think its OK to skip these steps?  Sign up anyone and everyone that is willing?  I can say this cause Ive done it.  Ive done it and THANKFULLY I learned pretty early on that it wasn't going to work for me.  

Of course you may strike gold (I certainly have, Briana on my team is a perfect example of blind brilliance) but you also may strike OUT (I also certainly have, no names needed)! 

One of the beautiful things about being your own boss and owning a Network Marketing biz is that you get to CHOOSE who you work with.  I am literally hand picking my 1st generation downline (for the most part)! Its a beautiful thing to be able to spend your time with women (and men) that you CHOOSE!  However, when you use social media and put mass campaigns out there, don't be surprised if you end up responsible for people perhaps you wouldn't have chosen otherwise. Don't come crying when you can't seem to get your message across.  Those people don't know you.  They weren't aware of your expectations.  Shame on YOU for not doing a better job up front.  Shame on THEM for not interviewing you either.  After all, they are relying on YOU to help them succeed.

If I walked outside my office downtown, onto the street and stopped the first 20 people I met, I wonder what the odds would be for long term success in my company.  I'm guessing not great.  Everyone has their own vision, goals, personality etc.

So I suggested to my friend that she might consider changing her recruiting methods.  Right now she has what she created and she owes it to herself and to those new team members to do her best to work with them.  She will and it will be fine.  Some will drop off.  Some will be amazing.  Some will hang on for a bit.  It will all come out in the wash.  But at the end of the convo I sensed that she is probably going to take an approach more similar to the one I have recently adapted and that is this...
Quality over quantity and to have a more "old school" approach to relationship building.  If its possible, meet with your potential team member in person.  At a MINIMUM call them up!

I have reached the highest level earned with Younique so far.  As of today I have 484 people in my DL and I just started at the end of February.  I am also a top earner within YOUNIQUE right now.  Many are SHOCKED to hear that of the 484 Presenters on my team, I only have 21 that I personally have signed up.  Of those 21, I will have 5 that drop off next month.  In any given month I have and average of 9-13 active Presenters.  So, you don't need a HUGE team to be successful.  But, you do need a great team.  I am BLESSED to have such an amazing group of wonderful women.  I think they are groovy.  I think they think I'm groovy too.  I LOVE THEM! It's a love fest up in my group!  Every single one of my 1st generation women are friends now and are on my Christmas list!  Many of my 2nd and 3rd generations are as well!  I am one blessed and lucky leader for sure.

So, if you are struggling in this area.  Maybe slow down and reevaluate your goals and make sure you are headed in the direction that is best and most profitable for YOU.  This may or may not apply at all.  I know of several ladies on our team that are loving major success with the mass marketing methods.  I also know several who are NOT loving it.  You'll find your stride but if you aren't happy with the fish you are catching... change bait!  There are plenty of fish in the sea!

Click here for more info about joining my team with YOUNIQUE.  But send me an email first so we can talk!  I would love the opportunity to interview as your upline! 

Friday, October 18, 2013


EMBRACE THE MUMU!  Hang in there with me people.....I'll get to my point, I PROMISE!

OK, so I was in Vegas with my childhood bestie Debbie last weekend.  She snapped this picture of me digging in the recycling bin!

Here is the story......
So, the AC broke in our house.  We had to empty out the closet in the master bathroom because the access to the AC unit was inside the closet.  What a mess!  UGH.... ANYWHOOOO......

While I was down there....looking at my sad and empty closet and thinking of all these cute things I could do to spruce it up....I decided it needed to be painted!  And OBVIOUSLY you can't just paint a huge walk in closet and not paint the bathroom!  OBVIOUSLY...You can paint the closet and the bathroom and not paint the toilet room!  OBVIOUSLY...IKR!?  Why was the hubs so surprised when I added this to the "Hunny-Do list"?

ANYWHOOOO...... I remembered that the night before I had tossed a 25% off coupon for Sherwin Williams into the recycling bin!  FOR SHAME RIGHT!  Paint is expensive! 

Well, it was "Mumu Sunday" (WHAT!? You don't have Mumu Sunday at your house?  "Free the ta-ta's Sunday" maybe?) and I decided I MUST have that coupon!  I mean, 25% is A LOT!  So INTO THE BIN I WENT!  HEAD FIRST!

Now, I realize that Mumu's are not the most flattering garment in the world but I LOVE THEM and they have become a REQUIREMENT for anyone in my life that loves me and chooses to visit me in Vegas.  I also know that my butt isn't REALLY this HUGE in real life so whats the big deal... RIGHT?!!  MY BUTT SERIOUSLY ISN'T THIS HUGE IN REAL LIFE RIGHT!?

Don't have a Mumu? Then off to GOODWILL WE GO!  You think I'm kidding but I SWEAR!  Ask my friends!  I even had a Mumu themed birthday party with the women in my family for my 40th!

And I had a Mumu themed party with gals from my YOUNIQUE team this summer!

Mumu's CLEARLY equal happiness!  Look!  Everyone is smiling in all these photos!!  You can say you hate Mumu's but your faces say otherwise!  EMBRACE THE MUMU!

So!  We get the coupon and load into the car.... OFF TO SW we go!  I will have you know that we changed clothes first.  This was Debbie's first Mumu Sunday and I didn't want to totally freak her out!  Even though I did make other friends of mine go to Cheesecake Factory in theirs....wonder if Debbie knows she dodged a bullet!  Being my friend isn't easy but it is certainly never boring!

What does all this have to do with YOUNIQUE or MLM?  Well..... while I was at SW, there was a gal there that helped us out.  Shannon.  I noticed she had clearly taken the time to do her eye makeup!  Gotta love a girl that gives a crap about herself when she spends her day working in a male dominated and otherwise, less than glamorous environment right?  BONUS! She saved me $10 in ADDITION to my 25% off coupon when she gave me a code I could text to my cell phone!  SCORE!

So, I thanked Shannon so much for her awesome service (it was awesome), of course, and I left her my biz card.  She saved me $10 so I offered to gift her a $10 pigment of her choice!  AWESOME RIGHT?  CONTACT MADE!  THE EAGLE HAS LANDED!

I know I took the long way around to get there but the SW story alone would have been boring and I want to give my followers a glimpse into my real life.  I REALLY wanted to tell my Mumu story...this seemed like a good way...

1.  Embrace Mumu Sundays!  It will make you happy I PROMISE!  Especially when you get your friends on board with you!  When you are happy, you are more confident.  When you are more confident your business grows!
2.  Don't be ashamed to dig in the trash to save a dollar!  It doesn't matter how rich you are!  That action and train of thought ended up saving me $26 when it was all said and done!  I would have had to sell 2 sets of 3D lashes to make that cash!  If you saw $26 laying on the ground would you pick it up and throw it in the trash?  NO WAY JORGE!
3.  ALWAYS carry biz cards, catalogs and/or samples with you!  You just NEVER know who you might meet and where or when!  Even in the most random places.  In fact, if Shannon hadn't been at SW that day, I likely would have offered my gift assistance service to the guy behind the counter!


SNIFF.... SNIFF.... do you...sniff...smell something? sorta...sniff...smells like...sniff..sniff...MOMENTUM BABY!

200 new Presenters added to my #team in 17 days!

Joined 2/21/13 # in Company Qualified 1st Level Presenters # in 1st Level Circle Wholesale Sales # in Circle Qualified 1st Level Elites Reatil Royalties Circle Royalties 1st Gen Royalties 2nd Gen Royalties 3rd Gen Royalties TOTAL Royalties*not including SPP/FPP Bonuses Grand total earnings
Feb-13 2 0 1  $      447.00 2 0  $ 102.00  $        -    $        -    $          -    $        -    $     102.00  $   102.00
Mar-13 7 2 4  $    2,540.00 7 0  $ 578.00  $   76.00  $        -    $          -    $        -    $     654.00  $   654.00
Apr-13 16 3 5  $    5,184.00 16 0  $ 350.00  $ 207.00  $        -    $          -    $        -    $     557.00  $   557.00
May-13 24 5 8  $    4,708.00 24 0  $ 156.00  $ 141.00  $        -    $          -    $        -    $     297.00  $   297.00
Jun-13 63 6 15  $    6,889.00 63 0  $ 123.00  $ 276.00  $        -    $          -    $        -    $     399.00  $   125.00  $   524.00
Jul-13 77 8 18  $  13,295.00 77 0  $ 273.75  $ 664.76  $        -    $          -    $        -    $     938.51  $   250.00  $1,188.51
Aug-13 147 7 20  $  10,722.00 86 1  $ 266.75  $ 536.10  $   76.24  $   302.78  $        -    $  1,181.87  $   500.00  $1,681.87
Sep-13 264 11 20  $  11,843.15 70 2  $ 287.50  $ 710.59  $ 644.91  $   867.16  $        -    $  2,510.16  $1,417.50  $3,927.66
Oct-13 461 as if 10/18/13  $           -  

Who has two thumbs and THE BEST TEAM IN THE WORLD (yes, I'm yelling)?


Get on board this CRAZY TRAIN!