Thursday, December 5, 2013

Um....Yeah....WOW!  I think I'm seeing the momentum!  What do you think!? 

706 new Presenters in November alone!  As of right now, 12/5/13, we are at 1460 Presenters!  Amazing growth in November and so far, December is on track for DOUBLE! 

In November we had some VERY exciting things happen!  One of the most exciting was having my Sponsor, Nichole Smith (Presenter #36) be the second Presenter to reach BLACK STATUS with Younique!  But the VERY MOST EXCITING was having my girls Briana and Amy both hit BLACK AS WELL!  Since they hit in November, they each received a $10k bonus check PLUS a $1k FPP bonus!  AWESOME! Check out the first 6 Presenters that hit BLACK status by Clicking here

I made $9477 in November!  I'm not even in the top 5 earners this month!  It has been so inspiring to see the money that these women are making with YOUNIQUE and their NWM business.  GIRL POWER!  I was so hoping that I would also be one of the first 10 to hit BLACK.  I WILL get there one day.  ZERO question about that.  I am working hard to get there before the Race to 10k Presenters is over!  You must be one of the first 10 to qualify BEFORE we hit 10k Presenters in order to receive the $10 bonus check!  I predict we will hit 10k Presenters by early January.

There are lots of fun things happening that are connected to our RACE to 10K PRESENTERS!  My girls Shari and Whitney won iPad Mini's!  check them out! 

I would LOVE to build my team DEEP and WIDE so if you know anyone that is looking for a growth opportunity, I would LOVE your referrals! 

Check out how YOUNIQUE is ranking by clicking here!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

I've always been open about my time management issues!  Somedays I feel like I am improving and then other days I feel like it is NEVER going to get better.  This is by far my sigle biggest issue that I struggle with.  Admittedly, my issues are self imposed for the most part. I am constantly striving to improve.  Since Younique is so new, they do not have a model developed yet that makes YOUNIQUE easily duplicable.  There is no training or single place you can go for info so we are CONSTANLTY training, answering the same Qs over and over.  It is exhausting.

As I'm blissfully drowning in my own success and treading water daily to keep up with the beautiful explosion of our business, I know for a fact I am not the only one! My amazing Sponsor Nichole and I often use each other as a sounding board in search of sanity when we have totally lost it and want to SCREAM when we see Presenters asking the very basic Qs over and over and over.  Trying to teach our DL to be great leaders is key.  We know this and we are trying!  Even when we do create documents/tools and put them in place, it seems that very few people take the time to educate themselves.  They search for the path of least resistance and that is usually us and we MUST CHANGE THIS MENTALITY!

Melanie posted some brilliant advice that I hope will ring as true with other NWM Presenters as it did with me.  I think if I can adapt this train of thought, quit trying to be all things to everyone, my life may get easier!

"As leaders, you’re NOT a ‘counselor’, but rather a ‘COACH.’ Stop and think about the difference between these two words. A coach works with those who are willing and show promise, and they don’t put up with crap or put up with whining and complaining. They are usually highly respected with firm expectations. They also set boundaries. I certainly can’t and don’t want to be a ‘counselor’ to 5000 women – that isn’t productive to the company. So my advice is to first realize -- You can’t “fix” their problems, nor should you try, but you can however, “coach” them by leading, which includes training the masses like Derek mentioned. You’ve all heard the phrase: “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” If someone isn’t willing to learn how to fish, spend your time with others who are." ~Melanie Huscroft Co-Founder of Younique

Awesome problems! Join Younique today!