I had to block a couple Presenters this month and it hurt my heart.....
I have a difficult time working with a blanket of negativity on a regular basis. I don't see the value in moseying through life with a glass half empty attitude and a "woe is me" point of view. I for sure struggle with vulgar and profane expressions and projections on innocent people. It is amazing I suppose that with the sheer volume of people in my company that we don't get hit with more of this I suppose. For that, I am certainly thankful!
This month, I had to remove some people from my group and from my friends list on FB. I've never met these people in real life but it still stung a bit... yah know?
One time consuming and previously unconsidered issue with having a team so huge, is all the different personalities that come into your life. The 'Human Resource' side of Network Marketing. But, I am learning and growing and doing my best to influence positive and empowering feelings in my Company. IM TRYING PEOPLE!
As of this morning, there are approximately 42,683 Presenters (GLOBALLY) with Younique. We launched in Australia on May 1st and just launched in New Zealand on June 1st! Of course we are already in the USA and Canada as well.
Of those 42k Presenters, 21,757 of them are in my Downline. Clearly I don't have direct contact with all 22k of my team members. Thankfully my leaders are LEADING! But, I do have direct contact with several thousand and I LOVE THEM! Keep in mind, I am Founding Presenter #319 and launched my own business in Feb/2013. Look how far we've come! Isn't this momentum INSANE?
Co-Founders recently announced that very shortly we will have confirmation that Younique is THE FASTEST GROWING DIRECT SALES COMPANY IN THE WORLD.
If you are or even if you aren't familiar with MLM then you know this is significant!
You can see my timeline of achievements with Younique by
clicking here. I am struggling to achieve BLACK STATUS again. I haven't hit it since January this year. It's VERY DIFFICULT to see all the money left on the table month after month once you've had a taste of it! I am confident that JUNE IS MY MONTH to see it again and I'm super excited!
When I started with Younique we had NOTHING! No training, no back office, only a few products, no tools. Just us! My team was growing so fast that I made a decision early on to focus on supporting them. For me, this meant spending time developing training tools and groups and calls etc. Since I also have a regular full time job, and there are only 24 hours in a day, I had some tough choices to make. Build my business, or help them build theirs. I chose to help them build theirs. I knew at that time that it would pay off and it certainly has. But now, Younique has provided these tools and my team is so huge, I'm struggling to refocus on my own book of business. Although my team doesn't need my daily interaction any longer, they still come to me and I still focus on them. I'm thinking I need to find a way to balance pulling back some and focusing on my own business for a bit. Otherwise, I can see myself sitting at
PURPLE STATUS for eternity! Meanwhile, those that come in TODAY, have everything in place that they need to plow forward. It is very exciting to see so many BLACK STATUS presenters below me. Many have achieved the highest status very quickly and lives are changing! I was the 11th Presenter in the history of YOUNIQUE to achieve BLACK STATUS. Isn't that an amazing thing? I believe there are about 26 total now.
I have tipped my toe in the DS industry so I know only enough to be dangerous. I know there are some people making BIG money in many companies. It's a beautiful thing. However, I have never heard of this many people making this kind of money in the SAME company! Certainly not this early on. I could be wrong of course. But, everyone can achieve at Younique. There are no elitists, no secret, unattainable wealth clubs limited to only a select few. Here, everyone is equal. It doesn't matter if you joined last year or if you join today. Work it, commit to it and its YOURS.
I love Younique for this.
I invite everyone to listen in tonight on the opportunity call hosted by my friend, Melanie Huscroft. I will happily answer any questions you may have! When you are ready to start your own MLM business, I hope you will consider YOUNIQUE and join me at www.FierceLash.com
In my personal life, The Hubs and I continue to travel quite often. For work and play. You can see some of our activity by
Following my travel board on Pinterest! When we aren't running around, we are enjoying the beautiful days in Alaska!
We are closing on a rental property, hopefully next week! We are working with our financial planner to develop a plan to have The Hubs retire within the year. We have a lot of dreams and plans and goals. We need to narrow down and focus our list! EXCITING STUFF!
If you are interested in my personal growth statistics with Younique, you can
Click here.