Sunday, January 4, 2015

Your MLM business is WILLABLE! WHAT?! YEP!

Let's chat briefly about this amazing feature of you MLM Network Marketing business!  DID YOU REALIZE IT IS WILLABLE?  Oh yes it is sister!  You can also SELL your book of business!  This is true for most companies that I am aware of.  Double check your Company and their contracts but YOU NEED TO KNOW! 
And you also need to make sure your business is handled.  Be sure your paperwork is in order and your personal affairs are ON POINT!  None of us want to think about this possibility but HELLO... We are empowered! 
We handle our business!

On 12/31/14 I officially retired from the position I held in Corporate America for over 20 years.  I gave it all up for my Network Marketing biz!  Let me tell you, even as blessed as I have been with my MLM company, this was not an easy life change for me to make!

I earned multiple six figures in my previous job.  In 2009 I earned over $400k in one year.  I don't mind sharing that in the last 10 years or so, my annual salary (not including 2009) averaged $150k-$200k.  LISTEN!  That may not seem like much to you.  However, for this self doubting, non-degreed, work-your-way-up-from-the-bottom-to-the-top gal, it was HUGE!  In my late 20's, I thankfully recognized the need to manage my money well.  I stayed out of debt, I married a man with the same goals and someone on the same page financially.  Looking back, I pat myself on the back but its NOTHING compared to what is coming up.  Since I was able to make those decisions early on, it has put me in the position I am today.  The position to be able to chose.

I was comfortable in the knowledge that I could support my kids on my own if needed.  That I had "made it" in my environment.  I was a top performer in that company.  In fact, I was ranked Top 6 every year I held my last position.  Most years I was in the top 3 performers.

I've shared before how much I love the company I (used) to work for!  I love the people, I loved that I could work from home, basically set my own schedule and you know I LOVED having a company vehicle!  I haven't had a car payment in about 10 years!  That was awesome!  The incentive trips were great, the 401K, the health insurance was reasonable and the salary seemed (for the most part) fair.  I was comfortable. I knew what I was doing day in and day out.  I could do a majority of my job in my sleep.  Sounds pretty amazing right?  I thought it was a dream job.  And then I was introduced to Network Marketing!

So... why in the heck would I waltz away from such a sweet gig to sell products and mentor others to do the same?  BECAUSE I'M A BELIEVER IN MORE!  SPOILER ALERT!  Someday soon I plan to share my entire story in a lifestyle video so I won't drone on and on here.  Just know.... I BELIEVE THERE IS MORE! 

Maybe this industry can give you more too.  Maybe you can do more with a Network Marketing company than you ever thought you could?  YOU CAN!

I was capped out at my job and I knew we wanted more!  I knew I could earn more! I had more in me.  I DESERVED MORE!  I mean seriously!  Look at what I accomplished with the limitations put on my by the corporate world.  All that with ZERO college education!  I was a pregnant teen on "the system" in 1990 and FLASH FORWARD to 2014.... WOW RIGHT!?  Not to toot my own horn but I created something pretty amazing with my life. 

Network Marketing allows ANYONE from ANY walk of life the same opportunity to achieve.  You only need to commit.  For two years I've been working 2 full time jobs.  It was time to let one go... guess which one...  I'M A FREE WOMAN!

#TheHubs and I recently updated our will and I had a major light bulb moment.  MY MLM business is WILLABLE to my family!  WHAT THE WHAT?!  When I die, my children (or anyone I chose) can inherit my business!  They can manage it, or sell it!  You probably don't need me to tell you how awesome that is! 

PLEASE protect yourself and your family!  In 2015 please be sure to update your personal documents and that your network marketing company is protected if something were to happen to you.  In most cases, your business can be passed onto anyone you chose.  If your children are under age, you can assign someone to manage it for them.  You can give your direction to sell your book of business and gift the proceeds to anyone you chose.  LOOK INTO IT!

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