Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Major milestones being hit tonight with YOUNIQUE!

If you've read some of my other posts, you know that I am having huge issues with time management.  Although I do believe I am improving... I struggle with balancing the constant need to be available and connected with keeping my sanity! 

I saw this great post from NETWORK MARKETING PRO on FB tonight-

"One of the worst things that can happen to a person in Network Marketing is to have a super helpful upline.

Does that surprise you? It's true. Just ask any of your successful friends.

When you have a super helpful upline, they motivate you, they make calls for you, they do endless meetings for you, they train you...r people for you. All YOU have to do is bring prospects to them and they will do the rest. Ahhh that sounds so nice.

But what happens when you don't have all that upline support? You have to be self motivated, you make the necessary calls, you do endless meetings, you do the work and YOU become a leader.

Why do I tell people to say goodbye to their upline? Because an upline can hold you back in the development of your true potential.

Now, does that mean you shouldn't be helpful to your downline? No, BUT you should always be aware that your job is to help people in your group become independent from you as quickly as possible. That motivation should drive your every move.

Help them by pushing people to become independent. Help them by not encouraging weakness. Help them by leading by example.

That's the nicest thing you could possibly do"
Today my upline, Nichole hit the 1,000 mark for people in her downline.  11/1/13 is her 1 year anniversary with YOUNIQUE!  I am currently sitting at 499 and won't be able to sleep tonight until we hit 500!  So... we are learning the best way to balance and manage it all!
I am SO THANKFUL that I have strong leaders on my team.  Sue Ann has several amazing leaders under her and is managing a team of over 100 right now.  Briana is amazing and never did need little 'ole me much and is managing a team of well over 200 at this point!  Briana is a top recruiter in the entire company and she is MINE!  ALL MINE!!  Im so lucky!!
You might want to jump on board this CRAZY TRAIN while we are still at the infant stages!

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