Monday, October 21, 2013

Just a thought about mass recruiting campains-

I was talking with someone today who was sharing some frustrations she was having with some people in her downline (with a different MLM company... not YOUNIQUE). 

Mostly personality and personal choice (lifestyle) conflicts.  People on her team that aren't representing the brand or her team like she feels they should etc..

It made me think.... well no wonder!  You never speak to the people you sign up!  Her method (and many of others these days) is mass recruiting campaigns on FB and other social media sources.

You throw out posts in every group you possibly can and offer the opportunity to the masses.  No questions asked.  Anyone with $99 and a computer can join.  HELLO!  DUH! SHOCKER!

Its possible that in this day and age and with the economy being what it is, a Network Marketing biz may be the only thing some people are able to do.  Criminals with histories that keep them from getting a "mainstream" job, people with medical, social and emotional issues etc are certainly out there and in need/looking for a way to earn money.  Of course I have zero scientific evidence of what % MLM biz Consultants fall into these categories.  I certainly also do not want to imply that anyone with a criminal record or medical issue is a horrible person.  So....NO HATE MAIL NEEDED. 

It stands to reason that when this is your primary method of team building... you're gonna get what you get.  If you never even have a phone conversation with a person, you cannot confirm that they may even be someone you would choose to work with!  In fact, you've just dramatically increased the odds that you are recruiting people you would not otherwise choose to spend your time with. You're hiring without an interview!  Who does that!?  

Think about it.... If I owned a company and needed to hire 20 people to fill positions, I think we would all agree that it wouldn't be the smartest biz move for me to walk outside and hire the first 20 people I bumped into.  Right?  NO!  You recruit.  You interview.  You've vetted (sp) them.  You have a second interview.  You make sure they are a good fit for you and your vision for your business.  Then you have someone else in your company interview them! You make sure their skill set and personality is in line with what you think is good for your company!  Seems OBVIOUS right?  So why, in this social media age of MLM business do we think its OK to skip these steps?  Sign up anyone and everyone that is willing?  I can say this cause Ive done it.  Ive done it and THANKFULLY I learned pretty early on that it wasn't going to work for me.  

Of course you may strike gold (I certainly have, Briana on my team is a perfect example of blind brilliance) but you also may strike OUT (I also certainly have, no names needed)! 

One of the beautiful things about being your own boss and owning a Network Marketing biz is that you get to CHOOSE who you work with.  I am literally hand picking my 1st generation downline (for the most part)! Its a beautiful thing to be able to spend your time with women (and men) that you CHOOSE!  However, when you use social media and put mass campaigns out there, don't be surprised if you end up responsible for people perhaps you wouldn't have chosen otherwise. Don't come crying when you can't seem to get your message across.  Those people don't know you.  They weren't aware of your expectations.  Shame on YOU for not doing a better job up front.  Shame on THEM for not interviewing you either.  After all, they are relying on YOU to help them succeed.

If I walked outside my office downtown, onto the street and stopped the first 20 people I met, I wonder what the odds would be for long term success in my company.  I'm guessing not great.  Everyone has their own vision, goals, personality etc.

So I suggested to my friend that she might consider changing her recruiting methods.  Right now she has what she created and she owes it to herself and to those new team members to do her best to work with them.  She will and it will be fine.  Some will drop off.  Some will be amazing.  Some will hang on for a bit.  It will all come out in the wash.  But at the end of the convo I sensed that she is probably going to take an approach more similar to the one I have recently adapted and that is this...
Quality over quantity and to have a more "old school" approach to relationship building.  If its possible, meet with your potential team member in person.  At a MINIMUM call them up!

I have reached the highest level earned with Younique so far.  As of today I have 484 people in my DL and I just started at the end of February.  I am also a top earner within YOUNIQUE right now.  Many are SHOCKED to hear that of the 484 Presenters on my team, I only have 21 that I personally have signed up.  Of those 21, I will have 5 that drop off next month.  In any given month I have and average of 9-13 active Presenters.  So, you don't need a HUGE team to be successful.  But, you do need a great team.  I am BLESSED to have such an amazing group of wonderful women.  I think they are groovy.  I think they think I'm groovy too.  I LOVE THEM! It's a love fest up in my group!  Every single one of my 1st generation women are friends now and are on my Christmas list!  Many of my 2nd and 3rd generations are as well!  I am one blessed and lucky leader for sure.

So, if you are struggling in this area.  Maybe slow down and reevaluate your goals and make sure you are headed in the direction that is best and most profitable for YOU.  This may or may not apply at all.  I know of several ladies on our team that are loving major success with the mass marketing methods.  I also know several who are NOT loving it.  You'll find your stride but if you aren't happy with the fish you are catching... change bait!  There are plenty of fish in the sea!

Click here for more info about joining my team with YOUNIQUE.  But send me an email first so we can talk!  I would love the opportunity to interview as your upline! 

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