Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Your comfort zone may not be where the magic happens....

Last night The Hubs and I were talking and there was a special on TV about Paula Deen, playing in the back ground.  I'm not necessarily a big Paula Deen fan but we both stopped and listen to her story about her battle with Agoraphobia.  It was interesting.  I'm mean... WHO KNEW!?  Just look at her!  She is Paula FREAKIN' Deen for crying out loud!  SERIOUSLY? (google it) 

Flash forward to tonight.....On the drive home from dinner I received an email from one of the Presenters in my downline.  She was thanking me for supporting her and encouraging her to step outside her box and make physical connections with people.  It is something that has been very difficult for her.  She isn't Agoraphobic but "shy" and "scared" to talk with strangers.  There is a high anxiety level that comes with these types of contact.  It has been holding her back and she is working hard every day to say "SCREW THE BABY STEPS" and take HUGE LEAPS OF FAITH instead!  My husband thought that was nice and he brought up the Paula Deen special we saw last night.  He related the two and mentioned how he could see the opportunity that be a Presenter with Younique offers for people that may suffer with different levels of these fears (IKR!?  Isn't he the most amazing hubs EVER?!)....and the inspiration for tonights blog post was born!

The more I learn about Network Marketing and the more I am in contact with different people, the more I see what a significant issue this is for many women.  So often I see on my FB group, Presenters sharing their struggles with putting themselves out there in an effort to boost their business.  They feel it holds them back from being all they can and it becomes a horrible cycle of self doubt and disappointment for them.  I also see how excited and motivating it is for these women when they push the limits of their comfort zones and are rewarded for taking those personal risks.  It makes me so happy to see many of these women earning money to help support their families and they can do anything and be everywhere thanks to YOUNIQUE and how our company is set up.  Its amazing really.

This is probably one of the most beautiful things about Younique Products and the way our FOUNDERS have set up the business.  "Younique is THE FIRST NETWORK MARKETING COMPANY to market and sell almost exclusively through the use of social media. Our pioneered Younique Virtual Parties bridge the huge world of social media and the traditional home-party business model. A Younique Virtual Party has no limits to your reach or who you can invite. This makes it so the traditional home party is not even necessary unless you choose to do it. We provide the innovative and interactive tools and invite you to tap into your own resources and connections that you already have. You can run a successful business from the comfort of your own home without ever having to physically have people in your home and without ever having to leave your home if that is your choice.  It makes the traditional "home party" completely optional."

I was getting a pedicure today and I was working on my Younique business at the same time (posted a pic of my tootsies on my biz page at Obviously, not the same as having social anxiety issues.  However, I think it speaks volumes that this company would design a company with purpose.  What an amazing concept to create a company where women (and men) could succeed no matter how busy a life they have, no matter what medical issues or disabilities they may suffer from.  People who don't suffer from these issues can also be as successful as they choose to be as well.  BRILLIANT RIGHT?  EVERYONE can succeed.  The only limiting factor is dedication.  Thats it.

So tonight, I'm extra thankful that I can share the opportunity that Younique provides to people who, for whatever reason, find it difficult to leave their homes, find it difficult to meet with people, find it challenging to have their lack of ability to physically socialize, be reflected in their earning capabilities.  Im extra inspired tonight as well.

To my Presenter that sent the email.... You know who you are.  I'm happy for you and thank you so much for sending me that note tonight.  You are accomplishing amazing things.  I'm HONORED that you give me any credit at all.  It certainly isn't deserved.  YOU are doing it!  Just YOU!  GREAT JOB!

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